Ever found yourself in the crossroads of life not knowing which side to take..? Not knowing whom to turn to..? Not knowing what to pick..? Not knowing what to choose from the options right in front of you..? Not WANTING to choose..?

Always..?? Hahaha.. I heard you my friend.. We all do.. We never know what would happen because of that choice..

That’s the mystery life has always been flaunting at us.. The mystery of the consequences arising out of the choices, may sometimes be too intimidating for us to even make a random choice.. We are caught off guard.. We feel like we are stranded.. We never know who or what would guide us to make the right choice.. We are attached to some aspects of life, be it our comforts or the people whom we consider to be important or anything at all.. We are never sure of what would happen and so, we are never sure if that’s the choice we really wanted to choose..

But you know what.. We cannot be sure of the consequences or circumstances that may arise out of our choices.. Not always.. Yet, as humans, we are forced to make choices in our lives every single time.. You may be too smart not to choose at all.. But if you look deep enough, you’ll only realise that you HAVE made a choice.. The choice of choicelessness.. YOU CHOSE NOT TO CHOOSE.. The big question is have you made the right choice..? Even if your choice is ‘CHOICELESSNESS’..

How can choicelessness be a choice..? Is that your question my dear..?

Well, imagine you had to make a choice… Perhaps a career option..? Or love..? Or even a simple thing such as attending someone’s phonecall..? Whether the scenario is simple or complex, that really doesn’t matter.. The real complexity lies not in the options, but the choice itself.. In the multi-dimensional existence of the universe, each choice creates a new universe.. Just for you.. By your own self.. Although all such realities exist at the same time and in the same space, THIS reality that the mind experiences is what we really call as “THE” reality..

If you are not into that kind of stuff, my dear, never mind.. Let’s just say that each choice of yours alters your life forever, missing out/eliminating another possible timeline or destiny that we call, a hypothesis.. The same “WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED” thing that keeps running in your mind every single time you remember messing up with something.. It applies even if you choose not to make a choice.. The choice of choicelessness… For some spiritual seekers who have renounced the world and turned inwards, the choice of choicelessness could be the path to enlightenment… But for emotional beings, my dear fellow humans, choicelessness in the so called normal lives, could land one in an eternal state of unwillingness… One could perceive life as a tasteless fruit… As an odourless aroma… As a colourless art… Could experience life as an emotionless entity… As a lifeless lifeform.. And live it like an endless suffering.. Not enjoying anything.. Blaming your stars, your luck, fate of yourself…

That’s okay if you think that you’re life is already something like that… But, my dear, trust me.. It isn’t… At least, not yet… We all learn from our own mistakes… We may be unable to “undo” or “redo” things… We don’t have to.. And there’s absolutely no necessity to regret making that important choice you’re thinking about right now… Cheer up.. There’s always a restart my dear..

But first, we gotta understand what this “RESTART” is all about.. It’s not gonna land you in that exact moment so that you do things differently this time.. It’s not gonna give you a backdated second chance.. But I guarantee you, it’ll give you a fresh start.. From right here, right now.. Just in case, you have always wanted to restart from the past, let me be brutally honest with you my dear.. It’s not gonna happen.. It doesn’t have to.. Just let it go.. Keep this in mind, no matter what you do… No matter how loud you cry… No matter how hard you try… If there’s anything anybody could do about the past, it is to leave it in the past… What’s happened is happened..

But hasn’t that event gone already..? Hasn’t that moment where you made the wrong choice or no choice, gone already..? Isn’t it just you that’s not letting it go… It’s already gone… A long time ago… Those that remain are your own experiences of those moments and your own knowledge you’ve gained out of the experiences which arose out of that choice of yours… Be it a choice that you regret for, or the choice you failed to make.. Embrace and realise this knowledge to create a better future.. But first, make a choice right now.. A really really wise choice.. A choice to let go of all the regrets.. A choice to let go of all the pain you’ve kept hidden from the world.. A choice to let go of all the anger and hatred you’ve been bottling up all these years.. A choice to let it all go..

Easier said than done.. Isn’t that what you said right now..? I can never deny that my friend.. It indeed isn’t easy.. But remember, it is not impossible..

Let us try to understand why we make bad choices and then regret later in our lives.. Why not make the right choices in the first place..? Isn’t it possible to make the right choice..? Well, it is.. Of course, not every single time.. We’re all imperfect beings who have and will have the tendency to mess up things.. But the key thing is to accept ourselves for doing that.. Who else would accept us when we outcast our own selves..?!?! We CHOOSE to blame ourselves.. We CHOOSE to hate ourselves.. We CHOOSE to fear our own conscience.. We CHOOSE to hold on to our pain, worries, regrets, miseries and every other nonsense.. And we long for happiness…

What a great paradox..!! Right..? We can’t expect sweetness in our tongues when we feed ourselves with chillies, can we..?

It’s okay if you had chosen the wrong discipline of study.. It’s okay if you had chosen the wrong career.. It’s okay if you had chosen the wrong partner.. It’s okay if you have ended up with something just because you did not CHOOSE actually.. It’s okay if somebody is suffering because of that choice you made… Or the one you didn’t… It’s all okay… Let it go… Let it all go… Just take a break.. Sit down and ask yourself WHY YOU MADE THAT CHOICE..

Don’t just chicken out now… Face yourself... It’s okay if it is hard… But not harder than holding on to all the bullshit we’ve congested ourselves with…

And don’t look elsewhere wishing for a saviour good to come down and do things for you… This is your journey… You guys walk through it..

Nobody’s gonna come down from the sky… YOU made the choice and YOU gotta deal with it... Period…

Now my dear… Why did you make that choice..? Out of an emotional outburst..? Anger..? Sorrow..? Guilt..? Shame..? Helplessness..? Or what else..?

I say it’s out of fear… Yes, you read that right.. Fear… Fear is the mother of all evil my dear… Every undesirable emotion is an epitome of fear… It’s just that fear comes in different colours and sizes… Fear is a stealthy bastard.. It disguises itself into any form to trick us and take that joy, which has always been our birthright, away from us…

Someone insults us and we fear the damage of our respect… We become angry…

We do something wrong and deny that act of ours just because we fear the judgements of others… We become liars…

We lie to our loved ones about something just because we fear that it may hurt them… We regret later on for lying to that person we’ve always wanted to be truthful to… We fell guilt…

We lose someone we love… Be it separation or decease… We hold on to their memories not wanting to let go of them… Because we fear facing life in their absence… Or because we fear facing their absence in life… We become sorrowful…

We do not speak up for ourselves or express ourselves, fail to admit what we really want and reject what we don’t… Because we fear our voices going unheard of… Or be suppressed… We feel helpless…

And the worst of all… Sometimes, we do not make a choice at all… Because we fear the uncertainties in life… We fear exploring the unknown… But the truth, my dear, is that one can never truly know what would happen… And what has happened is happened… But you can make things happen… Start today… Start right now…

Earth will continue to spin and lives will continue to run irrespective of your choices and the outcomes of those choices…

Life isn’t gonna end if you choose to let go of your past… Realise that the past is already past you…

Life isn’t gonna end if you choose to start something afresh… Realise that life is full of opportunities waiting for you to take it into your hands…

Life isn’t gonna end if you choose to break those regretful promises you once made.. Realise that your promise to life/God and above all to yourself is to live a happy life… That promise is the one true promise to fulfill…

Life isn’t gonna end if you happen to hurt someone that’s hurting you either knowingly or unknowingly… Realise that you’re only defending yourself… Your TRUE SELF… We’re not talking about revenge here… It’s about expressing yourself and making yourself understandable to the world around you…

And most importantly… Life isn’t gonna end if you make some poor choices… Realise that the true poor choice is the one you regret for… And the wisest of all choices is to make the choice that you’ll never have to regret for… The choice that’ll set you free… The choice that’ll make you truly happy… You can choose that choice… Or the choice not to choose any… The choice is yours… But what would be your CHOICE..???

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