Do you feel like there’s a huge battlefield inside of you and a great war is being waged within..? Like you do not know which way to go..? Not knowing what to pick and what to leave..? Fearing the consequences of what could possibly happen..? Unable to let go of both the sides..?

It is indeed a war… A war that seems endless… Sometimes life can be too hard and confusing where the brain says something and the heart says exactly the opposite… And we struggle which one to listen to… Each has its own logics and reasons… And each has its own consequences… We cannot listen to the brain because the heart wants something and we cannot listen to the heart because the brain knows something… Sometimes we may find that the brain is right and some other times, the heart shall be right… But most of the times, both the heart and the brain are right and wrong at the same time… Or in other words, right and wrong are subjective… Thus the voices of the heart and the brain turn out to be two different paths suggested to us from within ourselves, each potent enough to manifest different journeys… The side one chooses becomes his/her choice and the journey, his/her destiny..

I know… The biggest irony is that we may not know which journey do we really want… Or which one are we really willing to let go of… That’s exactly why life seems to be so hard to most of us my dear…

From the brain’s perspective, one can involve logics and analyse the pros and cons of both the sides and then let oneself decide what does he/she want and what not… If one chooses this path, it requires oneself to be strong-headed enough to stick on… Regrets may or may not arise…

On the other hand, from the heart’s perspective, one can sit and listen to one’s own voice that has been resonating within… Understand how one feels and emotes while thinking about the two paths… When you vibe well on one side, you know that’s what you should go for… Of course, regrets may or may not arise later on… It all depends on the big question… Whether or not one let go of what you left behind… Ultimately one can never know until one gets there…

Assumptions and imaginations would drive us crazy… There could be too many WHYs… Too many WHAT IFs… Too many HOW AM I GONNA stuff… And too many RIGHT/WRONG ideas… It is indeed a journey that could possibly be disturbing… The confusion and instability could be seemingly eternal… But trust thyself… And trust Life… For it is you in your life are going through this journey… And at the end of the journey, a beautiful valley awaits…

Since right and wrong are subjective, the most effective way is to look within and try finding out the answers for some of the most important questions…

Who are we…?

What do we really want..?

What makes us truly happy..?

Are we living our lives or are we just allowing someone else to rob our lives from us..?

Are we feeding our souls or are we feeding somebody else’s mental prisons..?

Above all, are we being truthful to our own self..?

“What if I cannot decide..?” Is that your question my dear..? Calm down… It’s gonna be okay..!

We are so confused about this because we realise the significance of the choice we are about to take… It has the power to alter our timeline completely… And it is a one way entry… That is exactly what has been the problem… We are unable to decide because we do not want to commit a mistake… We are unwilling to decide because we do not want to choose now and then regret later on… It may seem to be an unattainable destiny… It may appear that you lack the strength to go for it… We might wanna consult with people… But nothing might actually help… In return, we may end up being all depressed and anxious… We might even find ourselves in a mess that is seemingly permanent…

Remember my dear… You alone can write the book of your life… No matter how many people you consult… Ultimately it is you who has to walk the path… It is you who has to define yourself and decide for yourself… The mess you are in right now, did not show up when you were born… And it shall not be there until you die… This too shall pass… The very moment you decide… Your decision shall end the cycle…

The duality that has been confusing us in our world is nothing more than a reflection of the duality within ourselves… It doesn’t really require an enlightened master to surpass this… All that requires is our own approval… Thinking too long could land us into a prolonged period of regrets… Perhaps the decision we never made could even bring back a similar scenario sometime in future… If we need to make up our minds and act accordingly, it is NOW…

Step up… You cannot run away from this..

Take up accountability… You are responsible for your decision and it’s consequences…

Accept the scenario… You have to let go of something in order to get something you really want…

Listen to yourself… You have to face the consequences all alone…

The ones who suggest you, the ones who oppose you, the ones who criticize you, the ones who appreciate you, the ones who confuse you, the ones who leave you.. Of all the people, none can experience what you would experience… Absolutely nobody… It is you who has to attain your own destiny…

Remember that you have all the strength and courage to do what you once believed you can never do… You are not weak… You never were and you never will be…

Courage isn’t a choice maker…

Courage is the choice taken..!

Now… Which way would be your journey..?

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