When was the last time you were fearful..? Anything you were afraid of… Facing someone or something..? Some circumstance or a crisis..? Crossroads..? Responsibilities..? Possible outcomes of your decisions..? Changes you wanna make..? Changes that happen around you..? Or worse, your own self..?

Don’t worry my dear… There’s nothing wrong in being so fearful… We all fear… Perhaps for a major part of our lives… But do we fight fear..? Or do we run away from it..? Only to be chased by fear till the very end…

Fighting fear could sound like a brutal battle… But to call it a battle is nothing more than a dramatic exaggeration… Fear is the fabric that blinds us… It is the veil that hides our minds… It is the puddle we believe to drown in… Most of us may allow fear to outgrow ourselves and end up being engulfed by it… Alas..! How ignorant we have been not to realise that fear is the mirage that vanishes as we steer ourselves towards it..!

Sometimes we make some bad decisions or do some really stupid stuff… The possible outcomes could appear to devastate us, throwing us into a deep distress, planting a sense of regret… And so, we may fear to face ourselves or to face life on the whole… Does it need to be that way..? Do we want our lives to be that way..? Absolutely not, right..? But we don’t always know what to do, to make things change for the better, do we..?

It’s understandable my friend… We’re still learning to live… And it’s better to admit that we don’t have cheat codes or a walkthrough for the “PERFECT” life that we wanna live…

But the lethal weapon to knock fear out, is the most fundamental tool we require to live life to the fullest…


Accept the truth within yourself

Actions define you..!

Acceptance redefines you..!

Accept the truth that we’re flawed in some way or the other…

Accept the truth that we’re afraid of something or the other…

Accept the truth that we have blundered in the past…

Accept the truth that we have been seeking an escape route…

Accept the truth that it’s okay to be ‘not okay’ with someone or something..!

But above all, accept the truth that there’s no need to be such a RUNAWAY..!

There’s an astounding point of time in your life to get rid of every single thing that has been disrupting your peace of mind… Every single thing that has been wounding your heart… Every single thing that has been screwing up your life… All of those you do not want in your life shall be gone… Enter everything that you’ve always wanted… The point of time that can fill you up with love, joy, peace and a hell lot of vibrant energy… And that point of time is… NOW


NOW is the time to heal your scars…

NOW is the time to find who you truly are…

NOW is the time to understand what really makes you happy…

NOW is the time to feel loved…

NOW is the time to set things the way you want your life to be

Just sit and think about everything that you’ve always been running away from… Understand your needs, be it physical, mental, emotional, sexual or spiritual… Ask yourself what is that you truly want… Don’t let your ego take control… Just let it pass… The ego may try to distract you from your realisation by popping up your deepest fears and make you go regressive… But when you choose not to run away, the ego subsides… When you address what is happening to you, inside of you, there you shall see the truth that has always been residing in you… Let there be light in your heart… And let that light make your vision clear..!

“It’s a painful journey” some may say… Indeed it is… But only to some extent my dear… When you endure that pain, you would give birth to yourself… Your true self that will be in charge of your life… And “THAT” YOU, shall restore your natural state of joyfulness…

The lies we’ve been telling ourselves are only gonna prolong the prevailing delusion of distress… The truth alone shall set us free… The truth shall empower us… The truth about ourselves possesses such great power that allows us to sabotage everything that has been restraining us… Such empowerment is right inside us… All we need is to stop being evasive, look within ourselves, face our own fears, accept ourselves for who we are and make THE choice to set things right… Life becomes magical… There is this magician who brings the past, present and the future to a point of singularity… That is the greatest of all magic… Such magic is here in the present because of the past and continue to be the future… The tenses being the reason for one another… Such great magic and such a great magician are one and the same… It is “NOW”…

Now tell me my dear… If “NOW” can connect the past, present and the future to a single point and be the point that determines everything from here, what else are you waiting for..? Where else are you running towards..? Just look at the truth right in front of you my dear… You are here… NOWWhat is it that you are gonna do..? NOW..?

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