Do you believe that fate has landed you where you are right now..? Firstly, do you even believe in fate..? If your answer is “NO”, you’re blessed… If your answer is “YES”, you’re still blessed… Either way, keep in mind that you’re blessed to be right here at this moment, still alive… Because this moment is THE moment you can start making things happen your way…

You are right here, right now in this scenario because of the choices you made and because of the choices you chose not to… Fate is nothing but a reality you glide through because of your own decisions on WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT… You may have heard that everything is destined or written or predetermined… Indeed it is… Everything is preprogrammed already… Not just what you are experiencing right now, but also that which you are not experiencing… But your experience depends on the choices you made in the past and it will depend of the choices you make from now on…

There is a life where you are a grim teacher who isn’t very happy about it… And there is a life where you are a joyful vagabond who doesn’t give a damn about anything at all…

There is a life where you have THE ideal job you’ve always wanted to be in… And there is a life where you are unemployed still looking for a job in despair…

There is a life where you enjoy THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE with someone, taking care of each other… And there is a life where you shower love on someone unresponsive, while you remain unresponsive to someone else who showers such love on you…

There is a life where you are a monk in absolute peace… And there is a life where you are so lost, not knowing what to do…

There is a life where your are a dejected person longing for a partner… And there is a life where you are ecstatically romancing the love of your life…

And there’s a life now… Right where you are my dear…

Above all, there is life as such, containing all such possibilities entangled, waiting for you to choose and experience the journey based on your choices… It all stays just right here in life, across various points of time in it… As we traverse through time, we are subjected to choose from the mystery boxes available… If you had chosen to say “NO” to that jerk who approached you, you wouldn’t have had to undergo that heartbreak that has been hurting you… But since you said “YES” you are here right now with a scar in your heart… If you had chosen to say “NO” to that job offer you received the other day, your life could’ve been much more peaceful… But since you’ve said “YES” to that, you’re here running after something you don’t even know what… If you had chosen “YES” to your friend who invited you to her wedding, you might have found someone interesting there… Since you’ve said “NO” to her, you’re still swiping right and left on a dating app… All the possible timelines have always been existent, predestined for you… And life has always been an obedient servant, serving every order of yours irrespective of the outcome… If you yourself do not know what it is that you want, how do you expect this program called ‘life’ to know that..?

Life is an interface or a platform that enables you to experience your journey based on your own choices… Be it conscious choices or the subconscious ones… But you are, and you have always been in charge of your life… May be you didn’t realise that yet… But you and you alone are the master of your experience of life… You’ve always been that…

All the possibilities of your experience are right there waiting for you to click and go… The ones that you select, become your reality… And the ones that you don’t, remain possibilities or hypotheses of parallel dimensions, each with their own subclauses… It’s all entangled… Fatefully entangled… Everything is one huge design… Everything has always been there… Just there for you… You choose what you choose based on your own programs… Conscious, logical, analytical, emotional programs… The “I DON’T KNOW WHY” kind of subconscious guidances… The “MAY BE” kind of random chances… The “I BETTER STAY OUT OF THIS” kind of escapism… The “WHATEVER” kind of indifference… Or it could be anything else… It is your own program that has projected this reality you’re living right now…

You may say “It’s all fate”… Like it or not; it’s you my dear… At least, for most humans, most of the time…

Don’t be so overwhelmed with that statement… We all make some poor decisions out of fear, confusion, desires, greed, guilt, grief, despair, hopelessness, instability of emotions, belief of being smart or out of sheer ignorance… One might say “I did “THIS”, because I became “THAT” out of “THAT” experience of mine”… Irrespective of what “THIS” and “THAT” are, everyone has their own reasons… Although all such reasons are respected, my question is, “Are you happy with this fateful entanglement you are into right now..? Or is it that you are living it just because you find no way out of this..?” If your happy about it, well and good… I would be the happiest human on earth to hear that from you my dear… If not, let me ask you straight on your face… Why are you doing this..?

Whatever the reason may be… Be it your friends and family… Be it your sense of gratitude to someone… Be it those people whom you call “SOCIETY”… Be it the one who matters the whole world to you… Whoever it is… Whatever it is… If “YOU” aren’t happy, does that even matter..? What is YOUR LIFE without YOU..? What is YOUR FAMILY without YOU..? What is YOUR SOCIETY without YOU in it..? YOU are experiencing and expressing this LIFE OF YOURS… If YOU are not okay with it, then nothing really matters at all..? If YOU are not happy about it, do you even believe that YOU can make those people loving you, happy..? Do you believe that it is even remotely possible..? The people who truly love you want nothing but your happiness… The others who enforce something on you, just because they say, think or believe it would be the right thing for you, are nothing more than ignorants blinded by the masks of love and affection… They may even be unaware of that… But they’re still confining you and enslaving you… Don’t you see that they’re taking your happiness away from your life just for the sake of theirs..? Whoever they may be… At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter at all…

Remember my dear, if you are not happy, you cannot make the people you love, happy… And the ones who really love you, cannot be happy if you are not… It’s a divine entanglement, entangled in love… You may act to be happy in order to keep them happy… Even if you do so, doesn’t it mean that you’re cheating them my dear..? Aren’t you faking something in order to fool them into believing something that is not actually true..? And you wanna call it, an act of love..? Really..?

Call it whatever you wanna call it as… But don’t ever call it love… You may call it a sacrifice… Or a sincere lie… Or a heartfelt deception… Or anything at all… Anything but love…

The lies you’ve been telling people you love, just to satisfy them… The truth you’ve been hiding from all those people who truly wanna see you live a happy life, just to make them believe that you are happy… The fake smiles you’ve been wearing, just to make others smile, falling deeper into delusion… The tears you’ve been drying within your eyes, just to ensure nobody sheds them… It’s all pointless when there’s no truth in it… You’re only doing it out of your own deception, feeding someone else’s deception… Out of your own beliefs, creating false beliefs of the others… Assuming your own sense of righteousness, making somebody else sin… But the truth is plain and simple… You’re just cheating them… And yourself… All those people will remain happy as long as they believe your lies… But once the truth sets itself free, it will shatter their hearts into pieces and those shattered hearts can never be fixed… It scars those souls eternally… Even if they don’t get to know the truth, they’ll only be deceived all their lives believing in something that never existed… Isn’t it..?

Trust me my dear, you wouldn’t want that kind of a disastrous entanglement… It is wise to choose one truth over a bundle of lies... After all, truth alone sets us free…

It may seem really hard… But it is not… Once the truth has been delivered, you don’t really have to bother much, the truth will protect you… No matter how bitter the truth is, try delivering it and when the tides calm down, just look at the magic that follows… You could never have been so joyful… You wouldn’t wanna miss out your birthright… A life filled with love and joy…

The truth is too simple to be fearful about…

A “YES” means a ‘yes’ and a “NO” means a ‘no’..

What you want is what you want and what you don’t is what you don’t…

What you like is what you like and what you dislike is what you dislike…

WHAT, WHY, WHEN & HOW are the truths we’ve been hiding and the lies we’ve been deliveringAccept them… Just as they are… And face the truth that resides in you…

We may not always know the answers… Yet we do things and when these factors manifest the consequences that are not so favourable, we play the blame game, blaming the hypothesis of fate… But in reality, fate is the entanglement of our choices and the possible outcomes…

Remember my dear, you are the architect of your life… You are and you have been designing it every single moment you live… With every single decision you make…

But with every silence you prolong… And with every hesitance you show… You’re only designing a fallible construct…

The entanglement will just be there… Just as it has always been there… However, it upto you to decide whether or not to stay in it… After all, it is yourself, who got entangled in the first place… And so, you and you alone can untangle yourself… Just look within… There is the devil… Look deeper within… There is your ultimate saviour… You are the way into the abyss… And so, the only way out, can only be you..! Good luck..!

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